Sunday, August 18, 2013

Weekend Wrap-up

Pete and I had a great weekend together. This was my last weekend of summer before digging in the books again! I tried to relax a little.. and clean a little in between our busy schedule.

On Friday night, we went to Starkville to have dinner with Pete's brother and his girlfriend, Alysca. WE love double dating with family!

On Saturday, We did what we do best..Be LAZY! and I loved it! And ofcourse, my little shadow,Meeko, just had to get in on the outside lounging, and book reading too!

Saturday night, we attended our new church's last "preview" service before we OFFICIALLY launch next Sunday! So exciting! If you're in the Columbus area, and do not have a church family, I highly encourage you to come visit New Journey. And everyone please be praying for God to continue to do big things in this new church on their "New Journey" (haha, couldn't resist).

I taught the 3-4 yr olds on Saturday night. It was my first time with them and I loved it! We learned how God used a cloud and fire over the tabernacle to guide the Israelites and remind them that He was with them, always. The sweet little ones enjoyed making their cloud and fire craft!

Sunday afternoon, Pete and I went to the matinee movie to see "The Butler". It really was a great movie, inspired by a true story! Go see it.

We wrapped up the weekend by grilling, and having dinner on the back porch tonight as the sun set.  BLESSED. 
the cook did not smile for the camera!  

teriyaki chicken with pineapple= yummy!

Meeko enjoyed playing all weekend too!

( Also, there are no pictures of our lab, Abby, because she is at her boyfriend's house. Thats's right! The Webb's may be having little ones soon...)

Hope ya'll have a wonderful week! 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

What are you waiting on?

I am a procrastinator. An organized procrastinator, but a procrastinator none the less. But I am also a saved child of God (only by his grace). A lot of things in my life, I put off til the last minute. And it is often a very big stress-er for me and most definitely leads me to worry and sin. I say all this to lead you into whats fluttering in my mind tonight......WAITING. Not just waiting to do everyday tasks, but waiting to do what the Lord has called me to do!

-As a teenager, I knew God was calling me to Him, but I WAITED. I told myself that I was fine the way I was.. (LOST), I was overrun with pride, and I repeatedly waited and put dealing with my salvation off until I was completely dead with worry and brokenness inside.

-As a college student, I knew God was calling me to grow in my relationship with Him, to show others His love and mercy, to STAND OUT,  but again I often WAITED. I told myself, " I'm in college, I'm young, I'm only at this stage of life once, all that other can wait.  I want to have 'fun' . It can wait til I'm married and being serious, etc."

-As a newly married woman, I have lately found myself being called to be a better Godly wife, to show love to my husband even when I am stressed, mad, and just want to be alone, also, being called to be in HIS WORD everyday no matter my circumstances, and being called to SERVE. But once again, thoughts of WAITING flutter in- "You're in graduate school, Sam, you'll have time to do all that consistently when you graduate, and you can focus on all that when you become a mom, and when you have a regular hours job, etc."

Why did/do I keep waiting? Why do we all keep waiting? The fact is all of those are excuses. They are darkness seeping into my life to keep me away from loving, serving, and worshiping.

 17 Now this I say and testify in the Lord, that you must no longer walk as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their minds. 18 They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart. 19 They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity. 20 But that is not the way you learned Christ!— 21 assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus, 22 to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, 23 and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, 24 and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.  Ephesians 4:17-24

After years of waiting and worrying, God has definitely shown me that going forward with his plan for my life and his timing for what I am being called to do are far more rewarding than anything I could have imagined. There is great joy and peace when you stop saying "not now, I'll do that later". But it is so difficult to keep that mind set every day. 

Please pray that God will continue to soften my heart, and soften loved ones around me who may be waiting and worrying.... Pray that He will continue to RENEW me and REVEAL His plan for my life!

If you are WAITING to take action, please don't. Join me in making a change. There is no time but the present to make a change. Whatever it may be. Maybe you were like me as a teenager or college student, or maybe something else is keeping you from making an IMMEDIATE change to grow in your walk with God.. Dont let it. The joy that comes from Christ is far more special than any other circumstance or time of life that you are in.


Thursday, August 8, 2013

hello I'M BACK

I am very sorry that I have been out of the blog world for 3 months..I am sure you all were just dying to read my rants. (just kidding). There are several reasons why my blog skills have been lacking, and I will not bore you with the details of broken laptops, crammed summer school days, etc..I also just felt that the small amount of free time  that I did have this summer  was better spent snuggling with my husband while he watched The Braves. But, seriously, when do they stop playing? I just do not know how much more baseball watching I can endure..:)
You can expect a few blogs in the next couple of weeks, as I do not return to school until August 20th. Until then, lets play a little summer catch up!

1. At the beginning of May, I had a 3 week break from school to spend working at Upstairs Closet, visiting with family and friends, and beach vacationing.



2. My sister, Mallory, graduated from high school and will be attending Ole Miss in the fall. I have accepted that this is happening, and have put my bulldawg torturing to a stop (for now). She also just returned from a 2 week mission trip to Zimbabwe. Super proud.

3. One of my best friends from college, Katie Herron, moved to California to be a nanny. So we had a fun goodbye shopping day and dinner in June and I am now enjoying keeping up with all of her crazy San Francisco nanny adventures. Sorry, no picture from our fabulous day!

4. My classmates and I served as counselors for the MSU T.K. Martin Center's Camp Jabber Jaw. This is a camp for children who use augmentative communication devices. It was truly a wonderful experience, and I LOVE aug com!

5. I turned 24 and received the cutest ball of fur on the planet as a gift from my mom, so that I could exercise my mothering skills until the future baby webb exists. HA. Isnt MEEKO the cutest?

6. I finished my clinic year at the MUW Speech and Hearing Center at the end of July. My fellow grads and I will be moving on to nearby school districts in a couple of weeks to complete our practicum.

7. Pete and I spent a lot of time this summer with our new church, NEW JOURNEY. We feel unbelievably blessed to be a part of this church plant and are enjoying meeting new friends! God's plan is amazing. cute second graders
Pete manning the dunk tank at OPERATION OVERLOAD DAY

Stay Tuned....and HAPPY FRIDAY!

Monday, April 1, 2013

I get carried away sometimes...

We are close to wrapping up this therapy/clinic semester, only about 3 more weeks of clinic before Ill have a two week break, and then start over again with summer clinic session! WHEWW WHOO, longest break ever. (read that sarcastically). Anyway, I have taken a little bit more time to be creative this semester. Mainly because I only have one child client, and well, adults dont exactly want to make puppy dog crafts with me.......unfortunately. This client has some apraxia characteristics, and so I have been attempting to make all of my targets in therapy very "functional".
 Presenting flashcards to children with apraxia or asking  them to imitate you over and over isnt exactly functional. Some children need a purpose/ reason for speech and require a different way of stimulus presentation. So games and structured play will usually work better.  In my attempts to do this, I have used a theme for most every treatment session. And I get carried away sometimes! I have had "Hello Kitty's birthday party", puppy dog day, an 'under the sea' adventure, jungle animals, bug day, etc...and ofcourse a bunny theme last week! This way of  functional "thinking" has made a huge difference in my own performance and the clients.

This is the product of a late night. I needed a sailboat, and could not find a cheap toy one, so Pete used his carving skills, and made Hello Kitty a boat! 

In making all of these materials over the past year, my poor husband has become an excellent cutter, carver, and gluer. Bless his heart, he says that he has worked just as much as me, and that he deserves the degree as well.

I also have been learning outside of the clinic. Last week before the Easter holidays, I went to Jackson for the Mississippi Speech and Hearing Conference. My grad school friend Kristen and I stayed with Kristin (confusing) at her house and we all went out for a yummy dinner. Kristen and I enjoyed seeing other SLP friends at the conference and we also had a chance to take a mock licensure ASHA exam. This is the big test I will have to take early next spring in order to obtain my license. Im really glad I had that opportunity because I now know what to expect and what to brush up on! Can u say SCARRRRYY???

Kristin and Kristen at dinner
As much as I like to complain about my never ending schedule, making therapy materials, counting data, and writing reports, I am learning and I am thankful. But, next May cant come soon enough! In the meantine, thanks for reading and listening to my rants!
Have a blessed week,

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Resurrection Day!!!

(warning: Im going to jump around a lot on this post :))

Pete and I had a very busy Easter weekend. After class  last Thursday night, I quickly drove home to Senatobia to spend some time with my family and work at the Closet on Friday. When I arrived at 10 pm, Mom began boiling eggs so that the whole family (minus Pete) would be there to dye eggs together. Love her and Love playing with some easter eggs!

On Friday night, we sent Mallory off to her senior prom and then the family and I went to Oxford for dinner and senior walk out! Cant believe my Mawry is a senior. She looked beautiful and we had a great time at dinner afterwards. Mom and I really wanted to stay and dance, but ofcourse Mallory insisted that we leave :)

Sorry its blurry..

Sibling Love
Pete had to work on Friday so he went straight to Calhoun City and deer camp on Friday night so that he could fish/hunt saturday morning. Alysca and I drove to Calhoun city on Saturday to join the Peden clan and our men for Easter festvities. Ofcourse, I made a stop in Oxford to visit my friend Erin at her store. Its looking cute this Spring! If you go through Oxford soon, be sure to stop at Olive Juice!
The Peden's family church always puts a beautiful fresh flower cross up at Easter, and so Ms. Kristi, Aunt Jane, Alysca, and myself assisted with the cross decorating...IN THE RAIN! but, oh how beautiful it turned out to be! I love fresh spring flowers!
(really bad picture of us , but beautiful cross!)

Pete and I really enjoyed spending Easter Sunday with his family. We were part of a lovely Resurrection message this morning and I am blessed to have joined such a sweet sweet family. But, I have to admit I missed my Lifepoint crew, and Pete and I also missed being at our new little Church - New Journey. If we could have been at three different places this morning, we surely would have!!! Dont worry, since we werent going to be at my house this weekend, Easter Bunny Bobbie fixed us up little Easter baskets and wrapped them in garbage sacks, and put them in my car before I left Senatobia :) I was under strict instuctions to not open until Sunday morning! Thanks Mom, we loved our baskets!!!!
(Ok. so you probably just looked at that picture and wondered why my basket is full of childrens books. Well, they are llama llama books and I have been wanting to start collecting them for awhile. (You can go ahead and laugh and call me a nerd if you want.) But these books are super cute, and they are wonderful speech therapy material...phonological awareness, new vocab, lots of that tricky "L" sound, literacy approach, etc,...and they come with the cutest little stuffed llama in red pajamas!!!! If you are a mom, you need to read llama llama to your little now.)


And even through our very busy schedule, I was constantly reminded of  Christ's unconditional love. Resurrection Day is not a day just full of cute bright clothes, bunnies, and eggs. It is a day to remember THE sacrifice. And a day to rejoice because HE IS ALIVE!!!! The King of all the Earth died for me, and I didnt deserve it. I am a sinner, I am like Barabbas, and I am like the people who chose to crucify Him. I am unworthy. And yet, He still loves me. That is unconditonal love.

 We hope your Easter was as blessed as ours.

Love from the Webbs!


Monday, March 18, 2013

Friends, animals, and a cake!

My little Spring Break is OVER! I'm sad ofcourse, but it was a great week spent in Senatobia and the last few days with Pete.

I had the chance to spend some time with my Katie and Kristin. We had a great time shopping, laughing and celebrating Kristin's birthday!
Happy Birthday Kristin and to my little brother! Today is their actual birthday!
I also painted some Easter door hangers. Should have started doing them a little earlier so they would have had more hanging time.
I spent most of the week working at the Closet (my second home). I so loved visiting with my "mature" lady friends. Theyre so funny, and provide me with such joy, love, and lots of  "how to be a good wife" comments!
On Friday, Mom insisted that all of her children join her for a ZOO trip. We had a great time, and the Memphis Zoo has really grown since the last time I went.  I loved the gorilla, panda, and new baby giraffe!
I drove back to Caledonia after our zoo trip, and Mr. Webb was very glad to see me! Saturday involved several firsts for us..Pete got a haircut for the first time from someone else other than Ms. Amanda Woods. He had such a worried face as he walked out the door (way to face your fears, sweety;) ). I went to the grocery while he was gone, and came home to make my first ever cake! It tuned out great, but I turned out a mess!!
Yummy Stawberry Cake!
On Saturday night, we went over to Dudy Noble field for some Dawg baseball! We enjoyed seeing some friends and having a sweet dinner together
 On Sunday, we went to New Hope to join the Edge family and New Journey Church for Kevin's first sermon as Pastor there. WE loved it! Such a sweet little growing church. Please join us in praying for the Edge's and their "New Journey"...:)
I had big plans for Pete and I to work in the yard and go walking around town on that beautiful Sunday afternoon.
But Pete had other plans......

Napping! with his wallet?
I guess he thought I might take all his money ;)
Now its on to reading research articles for me. I hope you all have a blessed week, and thanks for keeping up with the Webbs! and, if you are wondering, Pete's new haircut looks fine :)



Saturday, March 9, 2013

Lately with the Webbs


Whewww! Can you say Spring Break?...a break from school is so long overdue! Not that Im not loving what Im doing, but spending 8 hours + everyday in a clinic is getting a little  extremely tiresome. My grad girls and I have been working so hard and honestly, we would absolutely go crazy if we werent there to help each other along the way. Love them! Thank you Lord for sending me a great group!

So, Spring Break= home until next friday! Pete is home in Senatobia for the weekend too.
I know I havent blogged in a while and well ,thats due to the overwhelming amount of studying and report writing. Lately, the Webbs have been very busy.

In the last month.....

I came home to a lovely candlelit Valentines dinner cooked by my husband. There is no picture because I was just too hungry :). He has been very helpful around the house lately, especially on days when I dont get home til 8:15pm , and I am sooo thankful!

We had our first overnight parent visit from the senior Mr. and Mrs. Webb.  We had a great time, and yes, I even made a breakfast casserole. (very proud of myself I must say). Ive also been doing a lot more cooking lately. I kind of use cooking as a procrastination tool :). Ofcourse, Ive been using the Magnolia Garden Club cookbook, as would any southern woman who was raised at "Upstairs Closet". Ive made Mrs. Bev's breakfast casserole, Roberta Mayfield's panko crusted chicken, and a lot of other Senatobia lady recipes! Thanks to Tobie Town women for teaching me how to cook and for keeping Pete nice and full!
I went to visit little Miss Mary Jane for a few moments at the Columbus hospital. Mary Jane is the newest granddaughter to my Pop and GJ, and boy has it been a long road to get her here from India!  Glad she is feeling better, home, and now weighing over a whopping 5 lbs! Ive enjoyed keeping up with her parents journey. Welcome granchild #7!

Pop and Mary Jane

We received a little sneak peak of our wedding pictures on the photographers blog, still waiting on the proofs, but I loved the little teaser! Here is the link in case you missed it.
Click Here for Patrick Remington's Blog post

I also created a makeshift headboard that will do for the time being.....

Kristin came for a short visit to Caledonia on a Tuesday night, and we had a wonderful girl time  dinner with Brittany in Columbus. And ofcourse, recapped some college moments with Pete when we got back home!

Last weekend, we made a quick trip to Louisville,Ms  for the day and made all the rounds with my family there. Sometimes, theres just not enough time, but I loved our quick visit and always enjoy listening to Pop and Pete talk about everything under the sun. My mom was down for the weekend too and so we had a yummy dinner at my Aunt becks house that night.

Cousin Lovin

Tonight, I kept precious Lilly and Walt Atwood. They're so cute and I enjoyed loving on some little ones. We went over to the Webbs for a quick visit and well, Walt and Mr. Bobby fell in love.... so precious!
Hate Lilly missed the pic. Something important was on tv.

My plans this week are to sleep, work a little, paint a little, study a little, and SLEEP. I hope Pete can survive a few days without me in Caledonia. Spider Webb will have to keep him company, and dont let him fool you, Pete is in love with that cat!

Happy Sunday! Happy Spring!


Monday, January 21, 2013

What in the world is an SLP?

What is an ESS. ELL. PEE??????  (without the medical mumbo jumbo words)

Suprisingly enough, I get this question pretty often after telling people what in the world im doing going to school for 50 years. A lot of people really have no idea what a speech language pathologist (or speech therapist) does. Even more people have no idea of what all an SLP can do. Several times Ive been asked if SLP's teach college public speaking classes! HA. NO. Definitely not. Ive also been told that SLPs are just "speech teachers" as in they teach kids how to talk at school, just like a science teacher teaches science. WRONG AGAIN.  There is lots more involved!  An SLP has a VERY broad spectrum of practice, which is one of the reasons I decided to do it. So here you go! My explanations in a nutshell.

A Speech Language Pathologist can work with anyone who has difficulty in communication and then plus some...such as  children's articulation (production of speech sounds) and stuttering, writing and literacy development, language and social impairments, adult and infant swallowing disorders, stroke related speech and language impairments, computer generated speech, difficulties from cleft lips and palates, etc....An Slp can also work in A LOT of places... schools, hospitals,rehabs, nursing homes, early intervention clinics, private practice etc..

So why did I decide to take 3 years of my life [after 3.5 yrs of college], lose a lot of money, stay up all night long studying, and almost lose my mind?
its pretty simple. (now anyways, at first I was unsure if this was what I was supposed to do. BUT, i got it now).
Communication is our world. Imagine waking up in the morning and being unable to speak. Imagine knowing what you want to say but when you open your mouth, nothing comes out. Imagine feeling like your trapped inside of yourself and being unable to socially get involved in conversation with anyone else? .......Thats why I'm doing it...I didnt want a job that just made lots of money (Although, money sounds really good right now, when youre a broke newlywed grad student:) ). I want a job that when I get home at the end of the day, I can feel a sense of purpose. I can feel like a helped someone. I want God to be able to use me.  If I help just one person communicate their needs, wants, and emotions better,  then it was all worth it.

So, since this is such a huge part of my life right now, I decided it needed more blog recognition, and maybe I'll start sharing more of what im learning with my loving blog readers!

Im certainly no expert yet, or EVER for that matter [DISCLAIMER], but I do get asked every now and then about someones child's speech. So this is for anyone who may be a mom of young children or teachers. I think this is such a great little tool  for moms and teachers to have around to keep up with children's speech.
This is the ages of when sounds typically should be mastered in a child's speech system. There is a little variation, but typically all sounds should be produced correctly by age 9. Its totally normal for a 4 yr old to say "wabbit". But if they are still saying "wabbit" in fifth grade, you should probably get an SLP evaluation!! Nothing worries me more than parents who wont/ or dont know how to get their sweet babies some help!

Also, here is the list put out by ASHA: American Speech Language Hearing Association ( which is pretty much the rule governing body in SLP world) that gives an idea about when your cute little one should start talking:

birth to 3 months: cooing
4 months to 6 months: laughing, and  they should start babbling (babbling is what  know as "baby talk")
7 months to 1 year: more babbling and also begin FIRST words like "dada, dog, and mama"
1 year to 2 years- production of single words continues to grow and also put 2 words together, like "more juice", and they may start producing questions like "where dog?"
2 years to 3 years-  they should be calling and naming lots of objects! and also put 2 and 3 word sequences together.

ASHA has lots of info on their website about children's development and how you can help them. And also info on typical speech and communication development for older kids. Click here

Also, my pinterest board has several ideas for speech activities for other student SLPs, teachers, and parents!

Hope you all have a fabulous week!
Love, the FUTURE Samantha Webb, M.S., CCC-SLP

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hot Water, Oven Mitts, and Allergies.

We are officially moved in and almost all set up in the new WEBB residence. And oh boy, has it been comical around here... from hanging slugs on the kitchen floor!!! I am blogging about these newlywed moments in hopes that some day, we (and my children) can look back, remember, and laugh about how clueless we were. So here is the latest update on Pete and Sam:

 I came to Caledonia a few days last week to bring a load of stuff and start playing house. Can you say OVERWHELMED when I walked through the door that day? and Pete knew it the moment he looked at me! I wanted to change everything. I wanted to do this, that, and the other. Until my husband clearly reminded me that this a rental house, and that I cant do whatever I want to it. We'll probably only be here a year or so until I finish school. And so I'm just going to be REALLLL nice to those landlords to get what I want ha! It really is a nice place.  Weve only had a few issues so far...such as...
On the first night, I discovered the bathtub plug was missing in action. And if you know me, youll know that I must take a bath before bed. So Pete decided he would craft me one out of a water bottle top, and a plastic sacky.  Pretty genius, I must say, however, slightly redneck. So I proceed to taking a bath, except another problem arises : the water is so not hot!! So I got out, and began my "OH MY GOODNESS, HOW AM I  EVER GOING TO LIVE HERE, I CANT EVEN TAKE A BATH" selfish cries on the bed. And a few moments later, I notice my husband wearing oven mitts flying down the hall with cooking pots. SERIOUSLY. My first reaction is "what in the crazy world are you doing", and Pete responds with "I'm making you a hot bath." .......Im not kidding. The boy was boiling my bath water, and running down the hall to fill up the tub quickly! Thats serious love people. OR serious craziness. Maybe both......
But, yall will be glad to know the hot water has been fixed, we are good to go, and that I prayed for forgiveness for being so selfish about hot water, and thanked the Lord for a husband who is willing to boil my bath water!

I then went back home to do some last minute things and work last friday, and returned here to Caledonia on Wednesday, and everything is coming together fine except for one thing, Im allergic to my new house. Really. Pete has been threatening to take me to the ER at night. I refuse. So, he drug me to Lowes to get an air purifier tonight and maybe I can breathe and survive until I get to the allergist on Tuesday. (high maintenance wife, right?)
and No, its not because of our new family member, Spider Webb. This is a way different kind of issue then cat allergy sneezing and Spider is NOT allowed inside! However, I have been making Pete give Spider some loving because he's so sweet and I cant touch him. Although, I did rub him a little with an oven mitt on...... (gosh those oven mitts come in handy around here.)

I also went on my first wifely big grocery shopping adventure Thursday.  When Pete came home from work and looked in the fridge, he laughed! He claims that I was still shopping for one girl, and that he could not survive on oranges, lettuce, and avocado. My reply: "why not? ofcourse you can!"  I did buy some other things too, dont worry, I made Mr. Webb a yummy casserole last night. We had our first real meal at the cute dining room table with our lovely new dishes! But, he claims he is going on the next grocery shopping adventure...we'll see about that :)

The house really is looking lots better on the inside. The outside needs some yard work, etc..and the yard boy plans to do that as soon as the weather shapes up! Ive had lots of fun decorating, putting up all my dishes and gifts,  and thrift store/dirt cheap shopping for things I can redo. I love to do that. And Ive gotten some really cute stuff! Ill blog about all that when I get finished.

This has definitely been an eventful adjustment for both Pete and I, and were learning......learning about each other, learning how to compromise, and learning how to survive! Love shows itself in many forms, and that is so evident to me lately. The tiniest things that Pete does for me make me feel so loved and I am so thankful!  Please pray for us as we continue on with our new life together......that we will love more everyday, that we will have an easy transition with me starting back to class on Monday, that we will find a new church home close by very soon, and that God will show us exactly why HE has chosen Caledonia, MS for the NewlyWEBBs!


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A little JAMAICA love!

When we left the reception. We headed off to the Peabody, where we had the best room ever. seriously. We were given an upgrade because of renovations being completed, and let me just say, it was FAB. Even Pete suggested that we just skip Jamaica and stay at the peabody "apartment" all week. Unfortunately, we had to be at the airport super early and didnt get to experience more Peabody time that next morning! 

However, it was Petes first plane ride. (YEAH, i know. How in the world had he not flown in 24 years of life?, I dont know!) I could tell he was a bit nervous before we took off! And ofcourse I was all giggles about the situation. WELL, turns out, I was the one who got nauseated on that first leg! It was all bumpity bump and I wanted OFF that plane. So I spent the next flight from atlanta to jamaica asleep, and Pete was perfectly fine. We were SO lost when we landed at the Montego Bay airport.  We were glad when we finally figured it out and got on the right shuttle to the resort. The shuttle ride was scary! Jamaicans do not follow speed limits, and stop lights apparently mean go faster. The tour guide told me " dont worry, we dont run over anything we dont eat"....Oh, how lovely...

Roadside Photo time

The resort was absolutely beautiful! and our "villa" was away from the hustle and bustle of the main area, so we really enjoyed it and our balcony.

hey hubby, smile!

where we spent most of our time! 

He got a little tired of me trying to take his picture all the time :) He better get used to it..

I loved the pool! 

Each night we had dinner in a different restaurant at the resort, which we loved! Pete was a little more adventurous with the food than I was (He eats everything). After dinner we would go sit on the balcony area over the giant pool and ocean, and it was sooo beautiful!

We always had fun asking people to take our picture. Never knowing if they spoke English or not! Everyone was either Asian or British. I think we became known as the "american honeymooners".

On Wednesday, we decided to leave the resort and get a taste of the real Jamaican culture. Which also meant, get on a scary bus ride again. I very much enjoyed getting a tour of the towns and goats all over the road (all farm animals have free range). We stopped at Margaritaville in Negril and had lunch, then did a little more touring and went to Rick's Cafe and watched crazy people jump off of cliffs. (very entertaining actually). We also caught the beautiful sunset there, before heading back to the resort.

Pete was very concerned about someone stealing me while we there (super cute), so I wasnt allowed to go anywhere alone..ha! Especially in the airport! Which is also where I set off the customs security alarm. Future advice yall: Renaldo and Yurman bracelets will not go through airport security in Atlanta, and will cause giant men with guns to give you funny  terrorists looks!

We had such a great time with each other, and Jamaica was a wonderful, romantic place for a honeymoon. It really was a great way to relax after such a busy time and be together without having any other plans.

But there is nothing like coming back home to Mississippi!
See you next time Jamaica!