On Friday night, we went to Starkville to have dinner with Pete's brother and his girlfriend, Alysca. WE love double dating with family!
On Saturday, We did what we do best..Be LAZY! and I loved it! And ofcourse, my little shadow,Meeko, just had to get in on the outside lounging, and book reading too!
Saturday night, we attended our new church's last "preview" service before we OFFICIALLY launch next Sunday! So exciting! If you're in the Columbus area, and do not have a church family, I highly encourage you to come visit New Journey. And everyone please be praying for God to continue to do big things in this new church on their "New Journey" (haha, couldn't resist).
I taught the 3-4 yr olds on Saturday night. It was my first time with them and I loved it! We learned how God used a cloud and fire over the tabernacle to guide the Israelites and remind them that He was with them, always. The sweet little ones enjoyed making their cloud and fire craft!
Sunday afternoon, Pete and I went to the matinee movie to see "The Butler". It really was a great movie, inspired by a true story! Go see it.
We wrapped up the weekend by grilling, and having dinner on the back porch tonight as the sun set. BLESSED.
the cook did not smile for the camera!
teriyaki chicken with pineapple= yummy!
Meeko enjoyed playing all weekend too!
( Also, there are no pictures of our lab, Abby, because she is at her boyfriend's house. Thats's right! The Webb's may be having little ones soon...)
Hope ya'll have a wonderful week!