Sunday, August 18, 2013

Weekend Wrap-up

Pete and I had a great weekend together. This was my last weekend of summer before digging in the books again! I tried to relax a little.. and clean a little in between our busy schedule.

On Friday night, we went to Starkville to have dinner with Pete's brother and his girlfriend, Alysca. WE love double dating with family!

On Saturday, We did what we do best..Be LAZY! and I loved it! And ofcourse, my little shadow,Meeko, just had to get in on the outside lounging, and book reading too!

Saturday night, we attended our new church's last "preview" service before we OFFICIALLY launch next Sunday! So exciting! If you're in the Columbus area, and do not have a church family, I highly encourage you to come visit New Journey. And everyone please be praying for God to continue to do big things in this new church on their "New Journey" (haha, couldn't resist).

I taught the 3-4 yr olds on Saturday night. It was my first time with them and I loved it! We learned how God used a cloud and fire over the tabernacle to guide the Israelites and remind them that He was with them, always. The sweet little ones enjoyed making their cloud and fire craft!

Sunday afternoon, Pete and I went to the matinee movie to see "The Butler". It really was a great movie, inspired by a true story! Go see it.

We wrapped up the weekend by grilling, and having dinner on the back porch tonight as the sun set.  BLESSED. 
the cook did not smile for the camera!  

teriyaki chicken with pineapple= yummy!

Meeko enjoyed playing all weekend too!

( Also, there are no pictures of our lab, Abby, because she is at her boyfriend's house. Thats's right! The Webb's may be having little ones soon...)

Hope ya'll have a wonderful week! 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

What are you waiting on?

I am a procrastinator. An organized procrastinator, but a procrastinator none the less. But I am also a saved child of God (only by his grace). A lot of things in my life, I put off til the last minute. And it is often a very big stress-er for me and most definitely leads me to worry and sin. I say all this to lead you into whats fluttering in my mind tonight......WAITING. Not just waiting to do everyday tasks, but waiting to do what the Lord has called me to do!

-As a teenager, I knew God was calling me to Him, but I WAITED. I told myself that I was fine the way I was.. (LOST), I was overrun with pride, and I repeatedly waited and put dealing with my salvation off until I was completely dead with worry and brokenness inside.

-As a college student, I knew God was calling me to grow in my relationship with Him, to show others His love and mercy, to STAND OUT,  but again I often WAITED. I told myself, " I'm in college, I'm young, I'm only at this stage of life once, all that other can wait.  I want to have 'fun' . It can wait til I'm married and being serious, etc."

-As a newly married woman, I have lately found myself being called to be a better Godly wife, to show love to my husband even when I am stressed, mad, and just want to be alone, also, being called to be in HIS WORD everyday no matter my circumstances, and being called to SERVE. But once again, thoughts of WAITING flutter in- "You're in graduate school, Sam, you'll have time to do all that consistently when you graduate, and you can focus on all that when you become a mom, and when you have a regular hours job, etc."

Why did/do I keep waiting? Why do we all keep waiting? The fact is all of those are excuses. They are darkness seeping into my life to keep me away from loving, serving, and worshiping.

 17 Now this I say and testify in the Lord, that you must no longer walk as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their minds. 18 They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart. 19 They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity. 20 But that is not the way you learned Christ!— 21 assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus, 22 to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, 23 and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, 24 and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.  Ephesians 4:17-24

After years of waiting and worrying, God has definitely shown me that going forward with his plan for my life and his timing for what I am being called to do are far more rewarding than anything I could have imagined. There is great joy and peace when you stop saying "not now, I'll do that later". But it is so difficult to keep that mind set every day. 

Please pray that God will continue to soften my heart, and soften loved ones around me who may be waiting and worrying.... Pray that He will continue to RENEW me and REVEAL His plan for my life!

If you are WAITING to take action, please don't. Join me in making a change. There is no time but the present to make a change. Whatever it may be. Maybe you were like me as a teenager or college student, or maybe something else is keeping you from making an IMMEDIATE change to grow in your walk with God.. Dont let it. The joy that comes from Christ is far more special than any other circumstance or time of life that you are in.


Thursday, August 8, 2013

hello I'M BACK

I am very sorry that I have been out of the blog world for 3 months..I am sure you all were just dying to read my rants. (just kidding). There are several reasons why my blog skills have been lacking, and I will not bore you with the details of broken laptops, crammed summer school days, etc..I also just felt that the small amount of free time  that I did have this summer  was better spent snuggling with my husband while he watched The Braves. But, seriously, when do they stop playing? I just do not know how much more baseball watching I can endure..:)
You can expect a few blogs in the next couple of weeks, as I do not return to school until August 20th. Until then, lets play a little summer catch up!

1. At the beginning of May, I had a 3 week break from school to spend working at Upstairs Closet, visiting with family and friends, and beach vacationing.



2. My sister, Mallory, graduated from high school and will be attending Ole Miss in the fall. I have accepted that this is happening, and have put my bulldawg torturing to a stop (for now). She also just returned from a 2 week mission trip to Zimbabwe. Super proud.

3. One of my best friends from college, Katie Herron, moved to California to be a nanny. So we had a fun goodbye shopping day and dinner in June and I am now enjoying keeping up with all of her crazy San Francisco nanny adventures. Sorry, no picture from our fabulous day!

4. My classmates and I served as counselors for the MSU T.K. Martin Center's Camp Jabber Jaw. This is a camp for children who use augmentative communication devices. It was truly a wonderful experience, and I LOVE aug com!

5. I turned 24 and received the cutest ball of fur on the planet as a gift from my mom, so that I could exercise my mothering skills until the future baby webb exists. HA. Isnt MEEKO the cutest?

6. I finished my clinic year at the MUW Speech and Hearing Center at the end of July. My fellow grads and I will be moving on to nearby school districts in a couple of weeks to complete our practicum.

7. Pete and I spent a lot of time this summer with our new church, NEW JOURNEY. We feel unbelievably blessed to be a part of this church plant and are enjoying meeting new friends! God's plan is amazing. cute second graders
Pete manning the dunk tank at OPERATION OVERLOAD DAY

Stay Tuned....and HAPPY FRIDAY!