Tuesday, July 14, 2020


My sweet summer boy is 5 today.  One whole hand. I have never been “sad” at my children’s birthdays.  A birthday means they are here and alive and thriving. It also reminds me of how much they have grown and gives me excitement about all of the new things they will soon learn. I am grateful for that. I feel like 5 is a milestone year. He is no longer a toddler but now a big boy. And I’m perfectly OK with that. Each year of Hudsons life has deepened our connection and taught me so much. It’s true that moms and boys have a unique bond. This kid can make me mad and upset. But oh, This kid can melt me ten times more. He loves fiercely. He is kind and he makes friends with everyone. He is inquisitive and has the most wonderful imagination. 

Most importantly he is growing in his relationship with our Creator. A couple of days ago, he showed me a picture he made at school. There were 4 “stamp” men on a poster board amongst red and orange colored fire. He quickly told me who 3 of them were and said “but do you know who that number 4 is,mom? It’s God. Because He stays with the men in the fire to help them. They got put in there because They didnt bow down. And you know what else???  God stays with US too.” 
The Lord knew I NEEDED to hear that reminder from Hudson. There is so much fire on Earth right now. It is unsafe. It is unknown. And it is scary. But God is with us in this fire. 
My little boy knows this and I pray he continues to develop a solid faith in the gospel. I pray he knows the Lord is always Good. 

Hudson Webb, you light up my world. Happiest Birthday to you! Take on the next year with bravery, curiosity, and laughter! And know that your mom will always be right here learning from you.  Alllllllll my love and hugs and kisses and popsicles. 